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<正>Confidence in Chinese culture is essential for the renewal of the nation Cultural confidence,which General Secretary of the Communist Party of China(CPC)Central Committee Xi Jinping highlighted in his report at the opening session of the 19th CPC National Congress in Beijing on October 18,has been listed as one of the basic policies for building socialism with Chinese  相似文献   
The China Model     
The return of the Middle Kingdom to the center stage of history is the most significant geo‐civilizaitonal development of the 21st Century. China's rise raises anew the great question, thought settled after the Cold War, of what system of governance will stand on the right or wrong side of history. In this section the leading ideologists of the China model and its “peaceful rise” appear alongside the fiercest critics of China's way.  相似文献   
The SlutWalk campaigns around the world have triggered a furious debate on whether they advance or limit feminist legal politics. This article examines the location of campaigns such as the SlutWalk marches in the context of feminist legal advocacy in postcolonial India, and discusses whether their emergence signifies the demise of feminism or its incarnation in a different guise. The author argues that the SlutWalks, much like the Pink Chaddi (panty) campaign in India, provide an important normative and discursive challenge to a specific strand of feminism based on male domination and female subordination in the area of sexuality and also speaks to the emergence of consumer agency in the very heart of pleasure in the neo-liberal moment. It serves as a space clearing gesture, a form of feminism ??lite??, rather than offering a transformative or revolutionary politics, and thus enables the possibility of feminist theoretical positions in a postcolonial context that have hitherto been marginalised or ignored in feminist legal advocacy in India to emerge.  相似文献   
The classification system for Chinese Civil Servants is one of the most basic systematic devices in the Civil Service Law of China. The aim of designing such a system is to solve the hard issue of extreme narrow channels for career development of civil servants. The legislative thoughts of such a system include: orientation of post classification, absorbing reasonable elements of the rank classification system, aiming at optimizing the management and taking incentive safeguard as a main line, and its basic contents include: classification of the positions into general administration category, professional and technical category, administrative law enforcement category, judges and procuratorate category; diversification of position arrangement; clarification of the contents and functions of different ranks; and standardizing the mapping relationships between ranks and positions.  相似文献   
We examine every TDS Bill introduced by the House of Representatives and approved by the U.S. International Trade Commission in the last six years. The significant relationship between these bills and campaign contributions coupled with the personal characteristics of proponents and sponsors influence the policy outcomes of the U.S. TDS Program.  相似文献   
The article examines the impact of an unsettled electoral market and evolving political predispositions on the rise and fall of populism in Iran. The article argues that the absence of a polarized electoral contest between reformists and conservatives paved the way for the victory of the populist candidate in the 2005 presidential election in Iran, while the deep economic recession resulting from conservative administration policies created a long-term political experience which influenced voters and led to the victory of the pragmatist candidate in the 2013 and 2017 elections. Quantitative analysis indicates that in the 2005 election, the struggle between conservatives and reformists did not impact the competition between candidates, and consequently depoliticized attitudes, for example distributive demands, ideology, and anti-ruling elite sentiment gained significance, whereas polarization between conservatives and a coalition of reformists and pragmatists enhanced the role of partisanship and triggered the fall of populism in the 2013 election.  相似文献   
作为一种新的外交形式,公共外交在国际关系中发挥着越来越重要的作用。新加坡自独立以来,在对外关系方面取得了显著的成果,近年来更是重视公共外交,使公共外交在其对外战略中发挥着特殊作用。通过开展公共外交,新加坡这一小国的国际形象进一步得到改善,国际影响力也得到提升。但也由于小国的限制,新加坡的公共外交也存在着巨大局限。  相似文献   
2013年,习近平主席提出"守望相助"安全理念,在此后的八年里,该理念的内涵外延不断丰富和发展,内容涉及周边安全、金融安全、公共卫生安全、全球治理、国家间关系、区域与次区域合作等诸多方面。新冠肺炎疫情暴发以来,习近平更是反复倡导"守望相助"安全理念。作为安全概念,"守望相助"包含"好邻居、好兄弟、好伙伴"三个不同的层次,分别从周边安全、共同价值观和构建全球伙伴关系等不同视角审视安全问题。"守",体现了中国安全观的防御性原则;"望",体现了中国安全观的国际性原则;"相助",体现了中国安全观的共同性原则。实现"守望相助"的路径包括加强政治互信、建设集体安全机制、强调在国际社会中相互支持以及通过合作实现彼此的安全诉求。"守望相助"安全理念的提出既是对中国安全战略的形象表达,也是人类命运共同体理念的题中应有之义,体现了中国特色大国外交和国家安全战略的内在需求与中国国家发展大局的高度契合。这一理念表达了中国开放的安全思维,既应用于安全领域,也扩展到政治、经济等更广泛的领域,具有示范效应。  相似文献   
As a political leader,US President Trump's personality traits affect his policy orientations and current US foreign policy.The authors analyze Trump's personality in several categories-uninhibited and capricious,dynamic and capable,profit-orientated and self-centered,competitive and persistent,positive and extraverted.The traits of breaking traditions,skill at strategic deception and negotiation,action-motivated implementation,intuitive decision-making,pursuit of respect and interest exchange,and vengefulness will shape his policy and behavioral orientations.Initial study shows Trump to be a political leader with positive personality traits and double-sided dimensions.The analysis offers insight toward understanding the new US executive and his policy direction.  相似文献   
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